Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gotta Love Maine

You gotta love Maine!
This picture is what it currently looks like outside my window. 
1 week ago exactly, it reached 83 degrees here.

Oh well. 
Like I always say to the complainers.., if you don't like it, MOVE!

Dove Evolution Video

And this one!

Models Are Made

I think all girls need to watch this :)

P.S. - Natural beauty is WAY better than this crap!

Friday, March 9, 2012


"Does it not seem a vast waste of valuable human material that the pioneers of thought, those who by their genius dare to clear unknown paths in the arts and sciences and in government, should have to conform to the dictates of that non-creative, slow-moving mass, the majority? An appeal to the majority is a resort to force and not an appeal to intelligence; the majority is always ignorant, and by increasing the majority we multiply ignorance. The majority is incapable of initiative, its attitude being one of opposition toward everything that is new. If it had been left to the majority, the world would never have had the steamboat, the railroad, the telegraph, or any of the conveniences of modern life."
-- Charles T. Sprading
(1871-1959) Libertarian activist, writer
Source: Charles T. Sprading's Introduction to Liberty and the Great Libertarians; An Anthology On Liberty; A Hand-book Of Freedom (Los Angeles: The Libertarian Publishing Company, 1913)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My brother's science experiment.

My brother, Kaleb, had me record his science experiment a few years ago. Must watch, very funny. It's even better if you know him.

Kony 2012

That link above is to a must watch video on Youtube. Not spam. If you have heard about Kony 2012, then that is it. The guy basically kidnaps kids in Africa and forces them into soldiers, which includes them killing their parents. There is more to it, you will just have to watch to see.
I'm not usually one of those people who goes all out and shows support for causes, but I believe this should be different. Joseph Kony must be taken down.