Tuesday, June 28, 2011

L.A. schools ban flavored milk from the menu

So, I'm guessing that if you are viewing this, you are probably going to think I am agreeing with this title, that I think it is a good idea, because I am trying to lose weight and all.
Let me tell you something, You Are Wrong.
As the title says, and this link shows ( http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43414471/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/la-schools-ban-flavored-milk-menu/ ), the schools in L.A. have banned flavored milk in their schools. This all started when some chef said something about it having the same amount of sugar as a candy bar.
The goal for this ban was to decrease the chances of obesity in the schools. I have seen responses to this, and they are all saying that it is a 'win' and it is an awesome thing. Fools.
I believe this is wrong because I do not believe it should be up to the school. It should be up to the tax-payers, who are, ummm..., the PARENTS!! They are the ONLY ones who should have any say over Their child's weight, unless it is the child themselves. I suppose the child's doctor could have a say in it themselves. I just feel that it is up to the family to make this decision, in any case. Like at my previous highschool, they decided to ban salt shakers. Notice something I said there? HIGHSCHOOL. I know, we weren't adults at the time, but we were old enough to make our own damn decision about our weight! The government/school/people outside of family Should Not have a say in this crap.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Alright, so everywhere I look, I see people saying the world is going to end and whatever else. I have only heard of two different dates, one this year, and the other next year. Personally, I think it is all a bunch of bullshit. I don't have an issue with people being religious and all, but when people saying the world is going to end and all, I then have a right to judge.

At first I heard of how the world was supposed to end in December of 2012. Many people believe this. It is funny how gullible us Americans are. I have actually researched this a bit. And all the Mayans predicted was that that date was the end of their calendar. Not the end of the world. There is like some cycle they go by. And one of my high-school teachers told us that that this actually was predicted before, and ironically some other country came and took over the land, so basically their world kinda did end. I have not looked that up so I do not know if it was true.

And now, a week ago, I heard of something called "Judgement Day," which I find to be more a load of crap than the Mayan thing. And that is supposed to be involving God. Anyways. I keep seeing over Facebook and Twitter and whatever else, that people are saying that the world is going to end tomorrow (May 21, 2011).
So what do I think about this? Well, I think if people had a brain, they would look this up like I did. Tomorrow is supposedly JUDGEMENT DAY. Not the end of the world. What is supposed to happen is that there will be a giant earthquake like none before. And all humans will be judged. Everybody who is faithful towards God, and children, will be killed and sent to Heaven. And everybody else will have to stay on Earth and await the Apocalypse, which is supposed to happen October 21, 2011. Ha.

Anyways, Why am I posting this? Well, because I don't believe any of it. I think that many do for some reason. There have been crimes lately, bad ones, that have happened here in Maine, that I think could possibly be because people think the world is going to end soon. Within the last week, I have heard of a mother killing her son, no reason. Then earlier today, I read that a man "accidently" shot his nephew in the face. Right. And there was a woman who poured gasoline over her grandmother because she wouldn't support her. And then I heard of somebody who actually burnt their kid like a few months ago, but this is on the news now. It's weird, I have had dreams of fire within the past month. But I looked up dream interpretations online, and people say that fire in a dream most likely means you are kinda scared of change in the future or whatever. Which I have actually been thinking about my future a lot recently. And it has also gotten hot in my room at night, I think that may be part of it. Anyways, I kinda rambled off there.

I don't know when I will post something again, but I am 100% sure about one thing, I will be alive, on Earth, in 2013.

If you come across this blog of mine, you are more than welcome to follow me or read my posts. There aren't much, but that is because I currently don't have many, if any, people that read this. But if I got more, I would find more topics to write about, and people could give their opinions.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday (song)

Yay! Today is Friday! I should be able to sing about it how I want, whenever I want!

I can't remember where exactly I heard of the song "Friday" by Rebecca Black at first, but it could have been almost everywheres. All I hear are people complaining and whining about how bad the song is. And that she is dumb and ugly and should hurt herself and everything. SHUTUP!! Anybody who says that stuff, is a bunch of dumbasses (pardon my language).
What do I think of it? It isn't horrible. Yes, I do find the voice to be annoying. I do find the song to be very catchy. I do believe that it should be for an older person, like an adult, to be singing. Because I don't believe that teens that young should be partying. I seriously doubt there would be that much criticism if an older person sang that song, or if it was somebody who was already famous. There is NO reason why people should say the stuff they have been saying. They can have their opinions, but they should zip it and keep it to themselves. Everybody is only saying this extra stuff, to just get attention, and because Everyone else is.
I will not have respect for you if you criticize this song. Unless you seriously just don't like it. But I don't want to hear, or read, anything negative about it like I have seen.